“Better- Informed Journalists, Better Journalism, Less Disinformation- Sixth lesson Dr. Arian Starova
On January 29, Tirana Centre for Journalistic Excellence (TCJE) organized with the local journalist and the journalism students the sixth and the last lesson, in the framework of the project: “Better- Informed Journalists, Better Journalism, Less Disinformation”. The guest in this lesson was Dr. Arian …
“Better- Informed Journalists, Better Journalism, Less Disinformation- Fifth lesson with the journalist Zylyftar Bregu
Last Saturday, on January 22, Tirana Centre for Journalism Excellence (TCJE) organized the fifth lesson was with local journalist and journalism students in the framework of the project: “Better- Informed Journalists, Better Journalism, Less Disinformation”. The guest was professor Zylyftar Bregu. Along with the students, a …
Rënia e aksesit të Shqipërisë ne Bashkimin Evropian po bëhet një normë e re
Tre dekada më parë Shqipëria hodhi prangat e një prej regjimeve staliniste më të mbyllura në Evropën Qendrore Lindore. Ndërsa diktatura komuniste po shkatërrohej, pamjet dramatike të demonstratave të vitit 1991 shfaqin mijëra njerëz të mbledhur në rrugët e Tiranës duke brohoritur “duam që Shqipëria …
“Better- Informed Journalists, Better Journalism, Less Disinformation- Fourth lesson with the journalist Erisa Zykaj
On January 08, Tirana Centre for Journalistic Excellence (TCJE) organized the fourth lesson with the journalism students in the framework of the project: “Better- Informed Journalists, Better Journalism, Less Disinformation”. The guest in this lesson was the journalist Erisa Zykaj. She serves as a correspondent …