Të Njohim NATO-n
Historia, Funksioni, Strukturat TCJE (Tirana Center for Journalistic Excellence) botoi librin “Të Njohim NATO-n ” Historia, Funksioni dhe Struktrat e NATO-s, i cili u mundësua me mbështetjen financiare të NATO Public Diplomacy në kuadër të projektit “Të Njohim NATO-n (Organizata e Traktatit të Atlantikut të Veriut) “Ky libër ju drejtohet kryesisht të rinjve që duan të marrin informacion të shpejtë dhe të përqëndruar për NATO-n. Njëkohësisht Libri ju shërben gazetarëve dhe personave të interesuar. Siguria në jetën tonë të përditshme është çelësi i mirëqenies sonë. NATO është një aleancë e disa vendeve nga Evropa dhe Amerika e Veriut që siguron një lidhje unike në mes të këtyre dy kontinenteve duke u mundësuar atyre që të konsultohen dhe bashkëpunojnë në fushën e mbrojtjes dhe të sigurisë dhe të kryejnë së bashku operacione shumëkombëshe për administrimin e krizave. Një “vendim i NATO-s” është shprehja e vullnetit kolektiv të 30 vendeve anëtare duke qenë se të gjitha vendimet merren me konsensus. E formuar në vitin 1949 me nënshkrimin e Traktatit të Uashingtonit, NATO ka si qëllim themelor të garantojë lirinë dhe sigurinë e aleatëve nëpërmjet instrumenteve politike dhe ushtarake.
Enhancing Albanian journalists’ capacities to report constructively on women and gender issues in the Albanian media refraining from discrimination, prejudices and respecting the privacy of women”
Tirana Center for Journalism Excellence (TCJE), with the financial support of the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives, is implementing the project “Enhancing Albanian journalists’ capacities to report constructively on women and gender issues in the Albanian media refraining from discrimination, prejudices and respecting the privacy of women”The aim of the project is through pieces of training with journalists and journalism students, and a final publication of Guidelines, to improve how women and gender issues are reported by the Albanian Media. The aim is to eliminate discrimination and prejudice in reporting on women and gender issues in Albanian Media as well as to promote human rights and privacy rights in regard to this issue.
What happened to European values?
“You have your principles, we have structural funds” – whose words are these? They were uttered by the French president François Hollande in 2017. From his perspective, the “you” referred to the new EU members states from Central and Eastern Europe, whereas the “we” stood for the countries of the so-called Old Europe. Fateful words indeed. It is worth recalling that they were said in the context of the preamble to the Lisbon Treaty and the hundreds of statements made by western politicians about “European values” supposedly defended by the countries of “Old Europe” against the new member states. Hollande’s words have been borne out recently by the war in Ukraine as the leaders of “Old Europe” have shown more concern for their money than for the EU’s founding principles, while the countries of NATO’s eastern flank, aware of what is at stake for Europe, have called for solidarity, justice, common security and genuine care for those in need. Russia’s barbaric aggression against Ukraine threw the practice of implementing “European values” in the EU into sharp relief. Let’s take a closer look at the values in question as they are rarely mentioned by name. The recurrent themes in EU discussions are freedom, democracy, fighting discrimination and combating exclusion. Lately, however, it has been more pressing to curb discrimination of male individuals who want to win at women’s sports events and use female toilets. It was more important to ensure the freedom to talk gibberish about human nature not to discriminate against “any views” as guaranteed by the Charter of Fundamental Rights. The view that there is truth, good and justice or even that there is reality rather than its multiple narratives has often been pigeonholed as “fascism”, in line with communist nomenclature, and considered not worth defending. How do these values look in the light of the recent demonstration of Russian pride on the streets of Berlin? Those Russians who live in Germany, and are thus not subject to Putin’s terror, did not think it right and proper to condemn the crimes committed by the Kremlin. Instead they followed the ideology of “non-discrimination” to defend their imperial pride manifested by the hundreds of people who were raped and horrendously murdered in Bucha, Hostomel and Irpin. Was no one bothered by this? Inspired by Isaiah Berlin, Western Europe seems to take it for granted that freedom should not be used to pursue a higher purpose lest that purpose becomes an obligation and a threat to freedom. Inspired by Friedrich Nietzsche, the sophisticated representatives of the West have positioned themselves in a strange place “beyond good and evil”. It it really so comfortable and safe out there? After all, it is the domicile of wrong-doers and criminals such as Putin and his clique. Who in today’s Europe believes that good, evil, truth and justice really exist and require sacrifice; that there is a price to pay for comfort and freedom; that freedom without responsibility is pointless anarchy? Finally, who in the EU has spoken up for common sense, respect for natural law, truth and justice? Were these not mainly the politicians of Central and Eastern Europe, who have been accused of “fascism” and having links to Putin? Who has provided the most funding to Putin’s Russa? Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovenia? To give the correct answer, we would have to point at people driven by their own financial and political interests for whom European values are so many empty words. I will spare the reader the long list of western politicians. Suffice it to say that when you violate principles with an eye for the main chance, you may lose both your good name and the chance. The dilemma is well-known from European history. It was mentioned by Winston Churchill in his comment about Neville Chamberlain’s efforts to “save peace” on the eve of WW2. A lot had to change for things to remain the same. The providers of huge funds feeding Putin’s war machine still lecture Poland on the rule of law and pretend to see no difference between the defence against the migrants invading the EU from Belarus and the help offered to Ukrainian refugees. The text is simultaneously published in the Polish monthly “Wszystko Co Najważniejsze” as part of a project carried out with the Poland’s central bank (Narodowy Bank Polski) and the Institute of National Remembrance.
Si të raportojmë për fenë?- Manual Gazetarie
Një nga botimet më të rendësishme të Tirana Center for Journalism Excellence, një ndihmese e shkëlqyer për cdo gazetar apo student gazetarie që dëshiron të kuptojë dhe mësojë se si duhet raportuar feja në media, pa bërë gabime në terminologji dhe pa prekur ndjeshmëritë e publikut me raportime të pasakta. Botimi është realizuar me ndihmën financiare të Ambasadës së SHBA në Tiranë. One of the most important publications of Tirana Center for Journalistic Excellence, an excellent help for any journalist or journalism student who wishes to understand and learn how to report religion matters in media, without making mistakes in terminology and without affecting the sensibilities of the public with incorrect report. The publication was made possible with the financial support of the US Embassy in Tirana.
Plagjatura në Universitetet Shqiptare – Një Investigim
Në kuadër të projektit “Arsimi në Shqipëri: Rrënjët e krizës” të financuar nga Rrjeti Investigativ i Shqipërisë, Tirana Centre for Journalistic Excellence ka prodhuar një dokumentar investigues mbi tematikën e plagjaturës në sistemin arsimor shqiptar. Dokumentari i shkurtër “Plagjatura në Universitetet Shqiptare” synon të depërtojë në përdorimin, ose mospërdorimin, të platformës së parë në vend për identifikimin e plagjaturës nga institucionet e edukimit të lartë në Shqipëri. Nevoja për një platormë të tillë u theksua gjatë protestës së studentëve në fundin e vitit 2018 dhe masat kundër plagjaturës ishin një prej kërkesave të studentëve në Paktin për Universitetin. Sipas investigimeve, nga 3,500 punime doktorature në total, vetem 312 prej tyre u publikuan në portal, për t’u përdorur më pas vetem nga dy universitete nga 12 në vend. Një vit pas nënshkrimit të kontratës për përdorimin e platformës anti-plagjaturë, mund të themi me bindje se projekti ka qenë një dështim.
Plagiarism in Albanian Universities – An Investigation
In the framework of the “Education in Albania: The Roots of the Crisis” funded by the Investigative Network Albania, Tirana Centre for Journalism Excellence (TCJE) has produced an investigative documentary on the topic of plagiarism in the Albanian education system. The short documentary “Plagiarism in Albanian Universities” aims to bring a closer look into the use, or lack of thereof, of the first anti-plagiarism platform in the country by the Albanian higher education institutions. The need for such a platform was emphasized during the students’ protest in late 2018 and measures on plagiarism were one of the demands of the students as part of the Pact for the University. According to the investigations, out of 3,500 doctoral theses, only 312 of them were uploaded in the portal, to be used by only two universities out of 12 in the country. One year after the beginning of the contract for the use of the anti-plagiarism platform, it is safe to say that the project has been a failure.
Journalism School of NATO and Security Studies – Video
A video about Journalism School of NATO and Security Studies.
Journalism School of NATO and Security Studies
Here you will find all podcasts of the lessons held during Journalism School of NATO and Security Studies.
Journalism School of Nato and Security Studies
Intro video of Journalism School of NATO and Security Studies.
School of Security and NATO studies
TCJE with the financial support of NATO will organize a ‘’School of Security and NATO studies’’ in October-November 2020.
Religion and Media Seminar held in Tirana with Prof. Dr. Përparim Kabo as keynote speaker
On Wednesday, June 10th TCJE held a second seminar with Albanian journalists and keynote speaker Prof. Dr. Përparim Kabo to discuss how religion is currently being reported in the media. Journalists and Prof. Dr. Kabo exchanged ideas and suggestions on the improvement of the current situation.
Enabling critical thinking towards the Albanian media landscape
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